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fatlosbesides our killer front-end offer, we also included two additional scientifically proven weight loss weight loss formulas: Flat Belly Cleanse and Revitalize Night. These two supplements were specifically formulated to accelerate and enhance the results of the Ikaria Lean Belly juice even further.

What is the Ikarialeanbellyjuicereviews Lean Belly Juices

It’s a potent powdered supplement, based on the diets of one of the healthiest, longest-living communities in the world, that can be mixed into water or your favorite beverage to be enjoyed as a delicious breakfast juice in the mornings.

This powerful juice wakes up the metabolism, boosts energy and burns fat all day.

See below for the best tips, tricks and copy ideas for becoming successful FAST by promoting the Ikaria Lean Belly Juice.

Why You Should Promote The Ikaria Lean Belly Juice

Massive Payouts


This brand-new super-juice is a proven weight loss winner. It’s created by the experienced team of direct response number 1 offer creators, so you know that you are in good hands

Our affiliates enjoy some incredibly generous commissions and EPCs of $4-6 from multiple traffic sources including Facebook, email, YouTube, native and display.

High-Performing Upsell Funnel


Besides our killer front-end offer, we also included two additional scientifically proven weight loss formulas: Flat Belly Cleanse and Revitalize Night. These two supplements were specifically formulated to accelerate and enhance the results of the Ikaria Lean Belly juice even further.


These upsells together with our continued optimization, will ensure that you push your AOV to insane levels.

Top Quality, expertly-crafted VSL


Our VSL has been tested and optimized for months to ensure that you get the best results right out of the gate. The combination of powerful copy, a true weight loss story, a unique hook, production value and compelling scientific evidence, you can be assured of excellent conversion rates and ROI.

Massive Market


The weight loss niche is huge – and it's only getting bigger every year. Nearly 200 million Americans (and 2 billion adults worldwide) are considered overweight or obese. These people are in desperate need of a weight loss solution that gets results and requires minimal effort.

People are getting more suspicious of “Big Pharma’ and prescription medication. The Ikaria Lean Belly Juice is based on real scientific evidence and contains only 100% natural and safe ingredients. And it converts as well to MEN as it does to WOMEN. Yes really, men love this offer too.

Get in on this amazing offer as soon as you can!


Introducing The Ikaria Lean Belly Juice

Get ready to earn massive commissions with this extraordinary

new weight loss offer…

Get everything you need to start promoting today!


Industry Leading Commissions

Registered ClickBank affiliates promoting the Ikaria Lean Belly Juice get 75% commission by default and 80-85% on request! Just Contact us below to request your super high commissions...

What is the Ikaria Lean Belly Juice?

It’s a potent powdered supplement, based on the diets of one of the healthiest, longest-living communities in the world, that can be mixed into water or your favorite beverage to be enjoyed as a delicious breakfast juice in the mornings.

This powerful juice wakes up the metabolism, boosts energy and burns fat all day.

See below for the best tips, tricks and copy ideas for becoming successful FAST by promoting the Ikaria Lean Belly Juice.

Why You Should Promote The Ikaria Lean Belly Juice

Massive Payouts


This brand-new super-juice is a proven weight loss winner. It’s created by the experienced team of direct response number 1 offer creators, so you know that you are in good hands

Our  enjoy some incredibly generous  and EPCs of $4-6 from multiple 

High-Performing Upsell Funnel


Besides our killer front-end offer, we also included two additional scientifically proven weight loss formulas: Flat Belly Cleanse and Revitalize Night. These two supplements were specifically formulated to accelerate and enhance the results of the Ikaria Lean Belly juice even further.

These upsells together with our continued optimization, will ensure that you push your AOV to insane levels.


Top Quality, expertly-crafted VSL


Our VSL has been tested and optimized for months to ensure that you get the best results right out of the gate. The combination of powerful copy, a true weight loss story, a unique hook, production value and compelling scientific evidence, you can be assured of excellent conversion rates and ROI.

Massive Market


The weight loss niche is huge – and it's only getting bigger every year. Nearly 200 million Americans (and 2 billion adults worldwide) are considered overweight or obese. These people are in desperate need of a weight loss solution that gets results and requires minimal effort.

Free Ebook

People are getting more suspicious of “Big Pharma’ and prescription medication. The Ikaria Lean Belly Juice is based on real scientific evidence and contains only 100% natural and safe ingredients. And it converts as well to MEN as it does to WOMEN. Yes really, men love this offer too.

Get in on this amazing offer as soon as you can!.FreeEbook.


Countries: USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Western Europe, Northern Europe

Male/female 50-50 (men definitely like this product too)

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